2020 State of the GAME

Welcome to our first annual State of the GAME update. In this brief write up we’ll cover some of the developments we saw in 2020 as well as some teasers of what’s to come in 2021. If you’re subscribed to our monthly newsletter you may have already read many of these points. If not, join up! The newsletter is an excellent way to stay abreast of developments at GAME HQ and as we roll in to 2021 updates will become even more frequent. Sign up here.

GAME Credits was formed with a new team in 2020, building off of the infrastructure left by previous teams. In April 2020 this was formally announced to the public as NovaToken merged with GameCredits to form the new GAME Credits. Read more about the acquisition here, as well as the NovaToken (NVT) and GameCredits (GAME) merge into GAME Credits

We have continued working on our technical offering, the GAME Credits Platform, throughout the process of this transition. Our bottom line has always been to empower players and developers and bring tokenization and blockchain to the gaming world. 2020, while full of challenges, has brought us significantly closer to achieving that goal.

Here’s just a handful of additional highlights from 2020:

  • GAME Rewards Portal soft launch in April with rewards live in July
  • GAME Foundry launched in November
  • Partnerships with both Skale and Matic networks
  • Partnership with Digitible to create custom NFTs
  • Multiple new exchange partnerships 
  • Liquidity pool launched on Uniswap
  • Launch of the official GAME Credits Twitch channel
  • Limited edition run of physical GAME Credits by Finite by Design
  • Building of GAME HQs in multiple metaverses such as Decentraland and Somnium Space
  • Partnership with the Blockchain Education Network
  • Partnerships with multiple Ethereum wallet providers
  • (re)Acquisition of the popular blockchain TCG game Nova Blitz
  • Various trading contests and other community incentives to earn GAME swag
  • Multiple industry conferences attended as well as podcasts (stay tuned for more on our YouTube channel!)
  • ●Multiple new game and creator partners on the Rewards Portal

Check out some of Natural Warp’s creations on The GAME Rewards Portal & NFT Foundry

What’s Next?

While we can’t supply an official date, the heavy lifting involved for the launch of the GAME Exchange is finished and we expect this key feature of the platform to be released in the near future. This will allow users of the portal (games, developers, and GAMErs) to buy, sell, and trade collectibles directly. 

2021 will be an exciting year for GAME Credits as we work towards the full launch of our platform with all intended functionality. As the blockchain industry continues to embrace NFTs and gaming we find ourselves in an enviable position with a robust technology stack covering almost every facet imaginable in the gaming and NFT ecosystem. This will foster new relationships with partners and help us deliver the best collection of games, NFTs, and the functionality between them in the industry. 

We are very thankful to our community and partners who continued to support us. Even with our ever growing suite of tools, we are cognizant of the fact we wouldn’t be where we are and won’t get to where we want to go without you. We hope you’ll stick around and see the dream come to fruition in 2021. Happy New Year everyone. GAME on!


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