GAME Credits | Genesis Worlds | October 2021 Update


Dear friends and community, 

October 2021 passed in the blink of an eye, and we will likely all look back on it as a vital turning point in the history of web3. We witnessed incredible project launches, innovative application of web3 technologies, the rapid emergence of new communities and the attempt by a massive corporation to turn the Metaverse into a walled garden. October 2021 was truly about the greater web3 community organizing to develop and sustain a more open web, and we want to acknowledge and celebrate that before jumping into the review of our own work. We know we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves, and that’s what drives our team and community.

Last month we saw mainstream media attention on crypto, DeFi, NFTs, the Metaverse and adjacent technologies, and markets responded to the hype. It is definitely an interesting time to be working on Metaverse projects! We have been sharing our Genesis Worlds Metaverse plans throughout the year and we’re grateful for the feedback we have received, especially from the new community members. If you’re just joining us, we welcome you and encourage you to share your thoughts and ask questions. 

Check out these highlights from last month:

GENESIS Token Launch – Woot! It’s here! Last week $GENESIS farming went live at where folks are currently staking $GAME to earn $GENESIS at 253.79% APR. You can also now access the $GAME/$GENESIS liquidity pool live on Quickswap. The Genesis Worlds White Paper includes details on the tokenomics of $GENESIS. 

– Genesis Worlds Website Launch – Our new Genesis Worlds website is live at with all the relevant project info. In addition to the token farming, this is where we’ll host the upcoming Genesis Worlds Mining Claims NFT sale. Bookmark it!

Genesis Worlds Trailer – With the soft launch of the trailer, folks are getting a first look at the Genesis Worlds 3D models destined for Mining Claim NFTs. Please Like and Share with your network to help grow our Genesis community.

Twitter Spaces – We’ve been hosting and participating in Twitter Spaces, and have found it a great way to communicate and connect with crypto and extended community across the globe. Follow us on Twitter to keep with where and when you can catch us live. Tag us whenever you stumble upon a Twitter Space you think we’d dig, and say “hello” if you see us in a Space – you never know where we will pop up!

As we head into the final months of 2021, our team is focused on preparations for launching the Genesis Worlds Mining Claim NFTs. With dozens of World models ready to go, this means internally we’re debating which Worlds to launch and in what order. (If you have a favorite, now’s a good time to let us know! We’ve been sharing some previews over on our @gamecredits Twitter). The Mining Claim NFTs will give holders rights to influence decisions around the development of the individual Genesis World represented by each token. Holders earn $GENESIS, which will have global and individual World utility. They also receive privileged access to land sales, which begin in 2022.

On the planning side of things, our product and engineering teams are exploring and evaluating technologies that will allow the Genesis Worlds core platform to include services that benefit the wider Metaverse community. Whether you’re questing through Worlds with a custom avatar, showing off your NFT collection, building a loot box or hosting a live event, we want to make sure we offer support for a variety of familiar Metaverse functions and on-chain items.

On the community side, we’re running contests and answering questions. We are working to add tools to help with moderation and we are building out more technical support resources. We expect to host some AMAs this month, so keep an eye out for announcements as well as some additional Twitter spaces. We are actively speaking to NFT communities and potential partners for interesting opportunities for the future of Genesis Worlds. If you would like to work with us, email us at: [email protected]. We sincerely love connecting with you.

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If October was a whirlwind, November will be a storm – preparing for yet another launch as Phase II on our Roadmap (Mining Claims NFTs), lots of live events, community outreach, and so much more. Join us for the 100 year Metaverse where you can dream, build, & discover.


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