SomniumSpace & GAME Credits

We are pleased to announce that Somnium Space has joined the GAME Credits Rewards Portal, marking the beginning of an ongoing partnership between two notable, innovative companies bringing tokenization and blockchain to the gaming world. GAME Credits was one of the first cryptocurrencies in existence and the very first gaming cryptocurrency ever launched. With Somnium Space being the premier virtual reality blockchain metaverse, we could not be more excited to partner together to further our mission of bringing gamified NFT solutions to the virtual world.

To celebrate this partnership, there will be a party at the GAME Credits headquarters in Somnium Space happening this Saturday, January 30th, 2021 at 4:00 PM ET.  The event will feature live music by DJ Mister J as well as a treasure hunt where you can find $CUBEs and $GAME.  

Whether you strap on your VR headset and join us for the full VR experience or hop in via Somnium WEB, we are looking forward to celebrating together!

How to participate in Treasure  Hunt

As soon as the party starts, 10 different key cards, numbered from 1 to 10, will be hidden on the parcel for you to find. Each key card will have a prize in it, which will be either $CUBE or $GAME currency. In order to claim the key, you need to take a selfie inside VR or SomniumWEB with your avatar standing next to it and Tweet that picture with the tags @SomniumSpace and @Gamecredits and the hashtag #VRtreasurehunt #VRparty.  Also, please make sure to add your MetaMask wallet address. Whoever tweets the image first will receive the prize associated with that particular key card! Good luck! 

More Information

Somnium WEB Link to GAME Credits Headquarters: 

Somnium Space On GAME Credits: 

Learn More About GAME Credits: 

Learn More About Somnium Space: 

GAME Credits Reward Portal: 


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