GAME Credits June 2020 Update

Good day GAME faithful and welcome to another installment of the monthly update here at GAME HQ. This has been arguably the most exciting and busiest month in the history of the network, so let’s jump right into it.


Despite the transition to Ethereum taking up the lion’s share of our focus, we have still been busy working away on our core tools of the platform. Work is being done on new features for the recently debuted GAME Rewards portal ( along with preparation of GAME Mint, our NFT creator tool and GAME Exchange; all which are going to be released over the second half of the year.

Some of the most exciting work we are doing currently in the development realm relates to some big surprises we have in store for GAME holders. We will be revealing these in due course over the summer and fall, so please stay tuned on that front. Lastly, we will be giving insight into what our yet to be released platform services are going to look like with some UI and UX updates that we can share with you. This will offer more insight into what the GAME Mint, GAME Exchange and GAME Tournament are going to look like and how they will function.

Finally, we have been growing the development team and have brought on two new developers to assist in various areas including Nova Blitz. We will have some exciting news on the game and our plans for it coming soon as well.


There are lots of great updates to share on the marketing front:

  • We have formed a long-term strategic partnership with BarterTrade exchange. BarterTrade offers an easy, smart, social and gamified way to spend and trade crypto. Our partnership will encompass many activities including working closely with each others communities to help us both grow in lockstep within the industry. Find out more about our newest partner at:
  • Giveaways for GAME swag (hats, shirts, stickers, etc) continue and we thank everyone for contributing. More giveaways will be happening soon so if you missed out on the previous one keep watching for more in the near future.
  • GAME Credits is going to be releasing its own storefront on the website which will have some great apparel for sale along with some truly unique GAME gear. You will definitely want to keep your eyes peeled for the debut of the store as some of the items in there will be truly one of a kind.
  • We are running targeted social media ad campaigns across various platforms to ensure the crypto world is aware of GAME Credits revival.
  • GAME Credits has recently been listed on HotBit and WhiteBit exchanges, both are top 100 exchanges with a growing user base. We will be looking to add more exchanges in the future however our goal is to sustainable growth. This means we will be taking the time and resources required to build up real trading action on each of our listings before we move on to adding yet more exchanges.
  • GAME Credits recently took part in Decentraland’s first ever soccer tournament. As a sponsor we were able to get involved at a deep level and will be part of more historic events in the various Metaverses (more on this below).
  • Multiple marketing / social media people are being brought on to the team to help improve our reach, message and engagement levels across the board.
  • We will be considering larger exchanges (Binance, KuCoin, Huobi, etc) once we have ensured our current exchange listings are in good shape and reflect well upon us before applying.
  • Trading contests for GAME tokens are happening in the month of July on HotBit and BitBay. We will be doing more trading contests on other exchanges over the course of the year, so there will be countless opportunities to earn more GAME.
  • More crypto and mainstream press is coming now that we have transitioned to Ethereum and are one network in name and composition. Look for news on us coming out over the summer as we let the industry know that we are no longer the best kept secret in blockchain.
  • Community managers have been brought on to help grow the current community we have, as well as to form regional roots in various areas the company wishes to grow its presence. We will be unveiling our Ambassador program soon which will allow individuals to represent GAME from various geographical regions. More details forthcoming on the Ambassador program.
  • The physical GAME Credits loadable collector coins that were commissioned are now complete and will be going up for sale in the store. Keep an eye out for these, as they are truly gorgeous and are a very limited print run. They also commemorate an important era in the history of GAME Credits. We also have holograms stickers for the coins which look just as nice:

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The biggest focus has been the GAME Rewards portal going live which has been a success. It is very early days for the portal however many GAME holders are currently earning free GAME tokens each week by staking on their favorite game partner. This is how you can truly show support for the game developers as you help them earn a cut of the weekly 100,000 GAME pot when you stake your GAME tokens on them.

We will be unveiling the NFT rewards aspect of the portal in the near future which will allow GAME holders to earn Loyalty points. These points are an integral credit system that allows you to redeem the points for various NFT rewards that each gaming partner will be making available. The more you stake, the more Loyalty points you earn and the more NFT rewards you will be able to redeem for.

This is going to tie directly into the release of GAME Mint, our NFT creator tool. Game developers will be able to use the tool to create any type of digital collectible you can imagine. The same holds true for gamers themselves who will be able to make use of the tool to create some truly spectacular items. Once GAME Exchange is released, these NFTs can be taken to and bought / sold / traded on our exchange and turned into revenue.

GAME Tournament, our Esports tournament organizer, will be coming out later this year and will compliment the other existing features on the platform. Outside of the platform work we have two programs we are launching this summer which the company is very excited about.

  • The first is our Educational Partner program which has been created to work with educational institutes of all sizes. The program has many ways we work with schools such as internships, assisting in curating crypto and blockchain course material, hosting hackathons, integrating GAME as a currency within the school for various activities and giving them access to GAME Tournament to host their Esports tournies in the future.
  • The second is our Metaverse program. The company has a deep passion and high IQ for the active Metaverses in blockchain which cover Decentraland, Crypto Voxels, Somnium Space and The Sandbox. The company owns prime LAND in each Metaverse and has brought on multiple advisors and team members who’s sole focus is to build GAME Credits presence in the virtual worlds. Look for us to be hosting events, meetings, and eventually implementing our entire platform into the Metaverses.

The Merge:

Now that the dust is beginning to settle on our transition to Ethereum we can take a step back as a company and assess. Overall, the event went very smoothly and be considered a resounding success. All of our key partners are now transitioned over with us and I would like to thank them along with the great team I am so privileged to work with here at GAME. The experience was that much more enjoyable having everyone working together to ensure we got the job done.

There are still some individuals who have done manual redemptions that may not have yet received their GAME tokens. Please ensure that in your Metamask wallet you have added GAME as a custom token first or you will not be able to see your GAME tokens and may mistakenly believe you are still waiting. In the event you have completed these steps and still do not see your GAME, please reach out to us through any of our social channels and we shall take a closer look for you.

With the merge now in the rear view mirror, our focus has shifted back fully to our platform, partnerships and programs we are working on. Next month we shall have some updates on partnerships we are maturing right now behind the scenes, there truly is an abundance of positive developments so each day is a new adventure right now for us.

If you’ve come this far with us it means you have decided to join us on the journey we embark upon now on Ethereum. There is still yet a lot to prove and accomplish however the early returns have been very positive and we will be leaving no stone unturned n our effort to create a truly great platform for Esports and the NFT industry.

GAME ON ladies and gents!

  • Jason Cassidy, Chief Executive Officer


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